
Opportunity at Hana Institute of Technology
HFG offers opportunity for growth as innovative financial leaders.

HIT’s doors are
always open to the
brightest minds.

  • Passionate technology experts
    People with technological expertise
    and passion for their work
  • Evolving researchers
    People tireless in their efforts to
    learn and engage in research as a
    means of staying on top of the
    latest technologies
  • Flexible team players
    People communicating positively
    with customers and colleagues to
    produce high-quality outcomes

Big Data

Data Scientist Research on algorithms and based on big data Required tasks

Required tasks
Big data analysis/algorithm modeling
Big data analysis, development of prediction models
Development of big data business models

AI Quant Research on investment strategies through financial data

Required tasks
Analysis/modeling of financial investment data
Quantitative analysis of financial data
Research/modeling of investment strategies through
quantitative methods


Computer Vision Research on AI that understands images and videos

Required tasks
Research and service development on computer vision technologies
Research and service development on segmentation / detection /
recognition / classification technologies on people, objects and text
R&D on related existing (prior) technologies

NLP Text Mining Research on AI that understands and can use natural language

R&D on AI services related to natural language processing
Conversational AI technologies (Q&A, MRC [machine reading
comprehension], conversation models, NLU, NLG, etc.)
NLP-based technologies (morpheme analysis, object name
recognition, syntax analysis, language models, etc.)
Text mining technologies (data extraction, reputation
analysis, document summarizing, document classification,
topic modeling, etc.)
Precedent research on NLP sector

Information Retrieval Research on AI that provides personalized data for each customer

Required tasks
R&D on information retrieval AI services
Information retrieval modeling, designing of search engines
Algorithms for defining degree of similarity and ranking of text.
Algorithms for extracting, refining and measuring similarity
and ranking of keywords
Refining and structuralizing data
Precedent research on information retrieval (Neural IR, etc.)

Knowledge Engineering Research on and creation of AI memory storage

Required tasks
Intelligent knowledge-based system
R&D on intelligent knowledge support systems for financial data
Ontology-based knowledge modeling, creation of knowledge


AI platform R&D Research on AI platforms that can turn anyone into a data

Required tasks
Research on finance-specialized AI modeling platforms
Research on software engineering methodologies for data
analysis modeling
Designing frameworks for data analysis modeling
Research on algorithms for high-speed parallel processing
of deep learning and machine learning
R&D on service platforms for machine learning models
Research and software development on structures for large,
cloud-based distributed or parallel processing platforms

Research on investment AI platforms Research on emerging AI platforms and studying of
investment strategies

Required tasks
Investment strategy modeling, platform design, prototype
Advancements in backtesting system
Designing statistics checking system
Designing of strategic safety test platforms
Creating platform structures, operational guidelines, etc.
Collection, application and pre-processing of financial data
Repackaging and deployment of project output

DT Strategy & Planning Research

DT Strategy & Planning Research Creation of and research on strategies to lead DT of
financial industry

Required tasks
Research on digital megatrends
Analytical research on finance DT strategies and their effect
on industry
DT project planning, research on technology roadmaps
Designing of mid/long-term vision and HR strategy
Research outcome management, operation of quality
control processes

Work Space

Where we work
